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By typing your name in the field below, you give your child permission to participate in the SOTIM Youth Violence and Trauma Prevention MEDIA CAMP and hold harmless Spirit of Truth International Ministries/SOTIM Youth Violence and Trauma Prevention Media Camp, TJ Jemison Student Baptist Center and its affiliates of any liabilities.  You also give permission for Spirit of Truth International Ministries and the SOTIM Youth Violence and Trauma Media Camp to use your child's name, image, and likeness in promotions for television, social media, and website.

Note:  If your child has medical issues, please let us know.  Please send an email with the information about the medical issue to

Thanks for registering for the SOTIM Youth Violence and Trauma Prevention Media Camp

Let's Connect!

Last Summer 2021, the youth learned about youth violence and trauma prevention as they learned how to operate video production equipment, write scripts, act and edit.  In the end, the youth-produced two PSA on Youth Violence and Trauma Prevention that is airing on Metro 21 in Baton Rouge, La, and Royal Witness Tv Network, which airs on Roku Tv, Amazon Fire, Vimeo and other social media formats around the world. 

thank you for visiting spirit of truth international ministries in baton rouge, la.

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