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Our Growing Ministries

Min. Albertha Wilson

Min. Albertha Wilson


Asst. Pastor Bridget Williams

Asst. Pastor Bridget Williams

Assist the Senior Pastor with the operation of the ministry. She helps to assist to make sure the ministerial duties are carried out by the Ministerial Team at Spirit of Truth.

Bro James Meriaday

is the overseer of SOT Media. He makes sure the Services and events at SOT streams live and are mastered for tv, radio and dvd. He directs multi-camera operators at lives shoots and monitors the audio for video.

Davonte Williams

Bro. Davonte' Williams Young Men's Ministry Drawing young men to Christ through positive activities. There's more to offer than what the streets can offer young men. They can be encouraged and have fun in the things of God.

Bro. Courtney Bond

Bro. Courtney Bonds Media Ministry Making sure that the anointing of the Service at SOTIM flows freely by making sure media streams internationally across social media and media is operating properly for the Pastor, Praise Team and others. Trouble shoot the system to correct any problems.

Bro. Edward Tate

is the SOT Sound Engineer. He makes sure that the sound is operating properly for each Worship Service. He is in charge of all the sounds heard in the sanctuary, any live or broadcast production. Whether the sound is music, voices, effects. His job is to make sure every note and sound wave are accurate and clearly audible.

thank you for visiting spirit of truth international ministries in baton rouge, la.

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